For the past 20 years, ERC has provided high-quality, client-focused evaluation services for K-12 school districts, county offices of education, institutions of higher education, and professional and community-based organizations. We prepare custom reports for program leaders, funders, and key stakeholders with clear, easy-to-understand data displays and executive summaries that highlight critical information for decision-making, program improvement, and attracting new funding.

ERC evaluators work as members of your team. We maintain the flexibility to keep the evaluation design relevant to your program's needs, measure your program's goals and outcomes, and answer the evaluation questions that are most important to you. We also create custom software solutions, databases, and online reporting systems that take the difficulty out of collecting important information and streamline data management.
Measure Your Success
Showcase the measurable impact of your program with colorful, easy-to-read charts, graphs, or tables that make evaluation results clear. Let ERC produce a simple trend report or a rigorous quasi-experimental study featuring leading-edge group matching protocols and statistical analysis, including multi-level modeling.
Improve Your Program
We, at ERC, believe that what gets measured gets improved. ERC conducts feedback surveys, focus groups, interviews, and program observations to produce ratings, feedback, and recommendations useful for continuous program improvement.
Relieve the Reporting Burden
Are the evaluation reports required by the government or a foundation making you sorry you got the grant? Let ERC handle the burden of data collection and report writing. Free your staff to serve the people in your grant program.
Attract New Funding
Because we began as a grant writing company, we evaluate programs with an eye on future funding. ERC contributes to program sustainability with statistical evidence of success and quotes from teachers, students, and parents designed to attract new grants and donations.
January 25, 2019
California League of School's Families for College Program Makes Significant Impact on Language Development of English Learners
English Learners (ELs) are the fastest growing U.S. school population and constitute 20.4 percent of the total enrollment of California schools (California Language Census, 2017). However, schools are struggling to provide programs and practices that are effective for ELs.
January 28, 2019
San Diego Expanded Learning Consortium Engages in County-Wide Program Improvement Process
For the past two years, the San Diego Learning Consortium has collaborated with ERC (an external evaluator) to engage in a county-wide process to continually improve program quality. The program improvement process includes annual stakeholder surveys aligned to the California Department of Education's Quality Standards for Expanded Learning.
January 30, 2019
Los Angeles Team Mentoring Program Impacts School Attendance, Academic Achievement, and On-Time Grade Promotion
Los Angeles Team Mentoring (LATM) is a non-profit organization that provides team-based mentoring to combat the overwhelming challenges faced by young people in Los Angeles inner-city middle schools. LATM's unique approach assigns a teacher mentor, a college mentor, and a community/corporate mentor to each youth mentee.